zaterdag 4 mei 2013

A whole lot of ART going on and the first real music.

Yesterday I went to see a lot of Art. It was like my Art History was setup in real life. It was amazing, like the Americans say. A don't have any words for it. But like they say 'a picture says more than a thousand words', I'll let you see what I mean.
Video will come soon..

At night I saw a concert at the Bewery Ballroom first there was the concert of Jeremy Messersmith, accoustic guitar and vocals ( ). He was the warm up for Tom Odell ( Not yet so well know here in NY City but the room was packed. 
It was only 15 $ for the two bands and it was amazing, I bought 2 CD's. The Bewery Ballroom is a nice venue with a nice music room upstairs and the bar in the basement. As you can see on the pictures the two bands where good and gave their best. Thanks Tom and Jeremy for a good first concert for me in NY City.


Here are some pictures from the concert. If you want to see them all.. let me know and I'll mail it to you. 

Jeremy Messersmith


Tom Odell


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